Adding a feature is the next step in displaying what your hotel offers through our built software applications or lobby boards. The first step is to click the Add Feature option from the property feature page. This will direct you to another page that requires information about the feature.
Type of Feature – This option will allow you to select the type of feature you are building. The Type of Feature is broken down into four different options. Those four different options are general, gallery, hyperlink, and menu. Each one of these plays a role in the features page.
- General is referring to a basic feature that will include all the information that is needed to create a feature.
- Gallery simplifies the view down to very basic information and focuses more on the photos section of features.
- Hyperlink will allow you to set up a website attached to the feature that directs the guest to that website.
- The Menu section is dedicated to adding menus for restaurants and only has a name along with a description section for the items on the menu.
Feature Name – is just the name of the feature. For example, if the feature is a restaurant, the Feature Name will likely just be the name of the restaurant.
Visible for Lobby, Visible for Mobile, and TV Enabled – are options that allow you to allocate the feature to only certain software. The first two have the option to be visible or invisible. When the feature is checked visible, the feature will show up on the lobby board and the mobile application. If the feature is checked as invisible, the feature will not show up on the selected option. In some cases, it may be necessary to have only one show up on the lobby board or only on the mobile application and this allows you to be selective of that. The TV Enabled option will allow you to enable or disable the feature on apple TV software.
Description – is the section dedicated to a small summary of the feature. A lot of the time, this can be found on the hotel website and it isn’t necessary to add this in your own words. This will be displayed once the feature is clicked in the application or the lobby board.
Request Template - is an option dedicated to embedding a request in a feature. In other words, when a guest selects a feature, they may want to ask a question and by adding in a Request Template you can allow the guest to send a request to the staff straight from the feature. When utilizing this option, you will need to know which request group you are looking to allocate the request to and what you want the request prompt to say. The drop-down menu will allow you to see all the available request groups and statements you may want the request to say.
Contact Details - is a section dedicated to entering the contact information for the feature. There is a drop-down menu that allows you to choose from multiple different means of contact including phone, email, address, and even a website. This section also features an option for additional contact information if selected option isn’t the only option for contact.
Hours of Operation – allows you to add in hours of operation for the feature. This is helpful for guests to know when the feature is available. This is often used for restaurants and provides an option to add additional information if necessary. For Example, Holiday hours often change and the additional information section allows you to add these in without adjusting the normal hours.
Photos – The photos section is dedicated to adding photos for the feature. You can add multiple phots to photos section and these will be visible on both applications and lobby boards. It helps the guest experience the feature visually before committing to it.
Once you finish the feature and are ready to save it, you will scroll to the top of the page and click the save option. After saving the feature, you will see it reflected in the list on the feature page. From this point, you can elect to leave it as a stand-alone feature, or you can add the feature into a feature category. After all of this is done, perform a content update on the lobby board and refresh the mobile application and the feature should appear.