The Housekeeping team will receive a notification on their mobile device when a room is ready for cleaning.
Housekeeping can report maintenance issues directly to the Maintenance team, using the same app.
Whilst cleaning the room, Housekeeping encountered an issue; they noticed a lightbulb in the bathroom is broken. Housekeeping need to alert Maintenance to fix this.
- Submit a request: From the menu, tap Make A Request. Select the appropriate request from the list
- Track the status: Maintenance accept and communicate, keeping you informed of the request status
Housekeeping Notes
- When a new request comes through to you, your mobile device will beep.
- Anyone in the Housekeeping team can accept the request. Clicking Accept will let the requester know you are actioning the request.
- If you spot any issues which need to be raised, create a request
for Maintenance to handle. - When the room is clean, close the request. Reception will be
notified about the clean room.